Welcome to
Quilting on a Thread
Quilting is the Journey that Makes Me Happy
Hi! I’m Bonnie Kempke, and I’m a quilter, just like you. In addition, I am an “accidental” digital correspondent on quilting (aka blogger, and content creator).
My interest in quilting began as far back as I can remember. Although, that interest was often interrupted by work, I tried to put in as much time with my sewing machines as I could.
Finally, now that I am retired, I am free to pursue patterns and skills that I rarely had the time to pursue previously. And here I am, quilting on a thread and ready to share my journey with you.
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you come back soon!
Quilting on a Thread may contain affiliate links to the Grace Company. I receive a small commission on sales made through these links at no cost to you! These commissions help maintain this blog and website. Thank you!